iOS 12.1 Beta 2 has been released today and finally there are some exciting features to cover it's starting to feel more like an actual point 1 release so it's actually pretty decent-sized updates coming from iOS 12 two points 76 Gigabytes updating to developer beta tomb so before I had 7.89 Gigabytes after just took a little bit to install it but to definitely worth it so I'm going to cover ten changes with you so the first one and probably the biggest is 70 plus and new emojis.
So Apple has finally added Unicode eleven to iOS twelve and it actually has a lot of great ones so my personal favorite has got to be the little peacock there’s now a toilet paper roll there’s a honey badger there's a raccoon a swan parrots the lots and lots of great do consider even if you update to iOS 12.1 and you send these to someone else they will not see them there will be an X outs just unavailable emoji but really cool there's a Jolly Roger DNA, strand and amoeba lots of cool and so Unicode 11 is finally here and not only that but I've actually noticed some changes to existing emojis okay for example take this shell right here previously it was behind the slug as there was a relevance in terms of the shells now Apple has moved that to the end of the list over here by the mushrooms.
So they've reorganized several emojis just so they have a more logical place and have actually noticed that they’ve edited some emojis as well so take this carry out box Chinese for example used to have the chopsticks inside of it now it no longer does its larger version of just the carry outbox and the chopsticks are separate and check this out the previous iPhone emojis now an updated iPhone X design emoji so as you can see goes all the way down instead of having a home button Anda top section.
So really neat attention to detail and most recently the charge gate issue has been fixed so when your screen was off and you set it to charge your phone wouldn't charge right away now that has been remedied and your iPhone will charge you the XS models upon plugging into a charger okay check this out kind of strange but I like it there is now a sound when you toggle one of the 3d touch toggles on either the eye 10 or 10s.
So it toggle it basically sounds like Avery muted mouse click from an old mouse something and it's on both the camera as well and you can keep like glitching it right there huh kind of interesting so there's now a sound on those and kind of satisfying I guess and behind the covers Iowa's whole point one does actually enable the ECM functionality something Apple said would-be coming in a future version of iOS it's going to be iOS 12.1 and actually going down here there's separate slots for physical sim and digital sim this has actually been renamed from the previous primary sim and second sim so it’s now called physical and digital cinema there's also a new watch face.
So if you go into the watch application goal the way right to color this is a new one and you can select up to 52 new colors so it's just a solid color faced you can change a couple things in here so kind of cool and also one of the biggest things in Iowa’s 12.1 that I didn’t cover last time is the ability to change the actual depth on the fly so you now have a new control up here this little aperture symbol and without having to take the picture you can change it right away and I'm not getting an accurate reading here okay there we go whoa kind of blurry but okay so you can’t adjust that on the fly really cool and wow it's having some issues with my little spiral over there huh that is some serious glitch going on.
But hey it's still in beta so might be better in the final version it'd be very neat to ample added a control like this for actually managing like the resolution and frame rate that would be something but hey this is a step in that direction I'd also like to point out that the crash in Safari still works as you can see you can continually crash Phones on it which is interesting I’m surprised that Apple has fixed it just yet and here is the bypass so I'm happy to report that the bypass has been fixed now in iOS 12.1 beta 2.
So we’re gone go to this party here I'm going to send another message as soon as it arrives usually when you'd click on plus the screen would go white and that no longer happens so looks like the bypass has been patched by after and in Iowa’s 12.1 there is reference to the air power charging mat Apple actually took thief their website so a lot of people are wondering what the heck is going nowhere is air power but it's still being continually worked on in iOS 12.1 as they’ve actually updated several sections pertaining to the charging sequence and yeah so Apple is still working on that 12.1 does show that.
So last time I didn't run a Geek bench I'd like to do that now see if there’s any definitive change in actual performance so run that versus iOS 12 I'm sure that the Geek bench numbers will keep rising on the iPhone XS series as it continually gets updated if I can look at that the scores are already improving so previously 11,000 368 and now a little bit more for multi pretty much the same single-core score so consistency I haven't noticed any difference in performance anything like the hats I mean these are top of the line phones it's going to be very hard to tell just a little differences in performance.
But hey I'd say do update you want to experience the beta program again it's going to be a while until we see was 13 so might as well catch some excitement where you can anyways a good amount of changes actually feeling like substantial upgrade now that's how iOS12.1 beta 2.
iOS 12.1 Beta 2! New Emojis, Sounds, Charge Gate Fix & More!
Reviewed by Aziz
October 03, 2018

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